Movies and time Lapse
Chagall Windows Made with Ai
The Challa Movie
My Love of the Challa making for Shabbat.
A glimpse of the movie -"BUT I AM HERE" made for the Pollux award ceremony
The small but committed Jewish community in Cuba is at a critical moment in its history. Years of support from international aid groups have led to what one writer called “the miracle of rebirth.” But economic and demographic pressures threaten to undo all that hard-won progress. My goal is to write a book memorializing this community on the verge of decline, and to create an exhibit that could be shown in a museum or Jewish foundation. A winer project at the Pollux Awards 2019.
Shortly after the thawing of relations with the US and almost concurrently to President Barack Obama’s historic visit to the island in March 2016, Michal Greenboim flew out to Cuba with a group of fellow photography enthusiasts. The journey took Mrs Greenboim from California to the heart of Havana’s old city where spontaneous cab rides and lively street strolls allowed her a glimpse into the life of locals in and outside the city’s limits.